Author: mangosrumors

WoW Database Editor

Article by BAndysc

WoW Database Editor is a new database editor designed for all TrinityCore-based servers. The editor is created to be modular, easily extensible, and simple to customize for any wow emulator.

Smart Script editing

The main feature of the WoW Database Editor (WDE) is smart_script editing. Even though there are already a few SAI editors, they all are similar in the way they work. WDE redefines how a smart script editor can look like.

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Running WoW 1.12 / 2.4.3 / 3.3.5a 32 bit on macOS

The original World of Warcraft clients version 3.3.5a and older don’t have support for 64 bit, so they are only available in 32-bit executables. There is no WoW.exe 64 bit for WOTLK 3.3.5 and older versions.

This could be an issue if you are running modern versions of macOS (Catalina, Big Sur, Monterey, Ventura, Sonoma or newer) since Apple removed the support for 32 bit programs since Catalina.

Luckily there is a way to run 32-bit applications on macOS that works for WoW clients version Wrath of The Lich King (3.3.5a), The Burning Crusade (2.4.3) and Classic (1.12.x).

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MoP Tol’Viron and Tiger’s Peak available for WOTLK servers

The Tol’Viron and Tiger’s Peak maps were introduced with Mists of Pandaria and now they are available also in Wrath of the Lich King (3.3.5a) as plug-n-play modules for AzerothCore.

Tol’Viron Arena is located in Uldum, it is the sixth arena map. Similarly to Nagrand Arena, it is a heavily modified version of an existing map, the Ruins of Ammon.
The arena map’s design is based on the simplistic Nagrand Arena. The only difference between the two arenas is the art style and the direction of the pillars.

Tiger’s Peak is an arena map located in the Shado-Pan Monastery atop Kun-Lai Summit, it is the seventh arena map.

Preview & Screenshot



Tol'Viron Load Screen

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