This is an old World of Warcraft Playermap available for several emulators that are MaNGOS/TrinityCore/AzerothCore based.
It has been recently restored by improving the visualization and technical details like the PHP version (now fully supporting PHP 7.2).
Now the servers administrators do not have to keep two versions of PHP (5.6 and 7+) to use this next to other web apps. Also, PHP 7.x is much faster than PHP 5.x, so you can now benefit from it.
World of Warcraft Playermaps features
The WoW Playermaps shows:
- uptime
- max players online
- GM online (optionally/configurable)
- players and their locations in the following maps: Eastern Kingdom, Outland, Northrend
- current players online Horde/Alliance per map and total
How to install the WoW Playermap
Requirements: PHP 7.2 or newer
- Clone or download it from the official repo:
- Place the playermap directory inside the www directory of your PHP server
- Copy config/playermap_config.php.conf into config/playermap_config.php
- Open the copied file config/playermap_config.php with any text editor and change the configuration values according to your needs
- Open pomm_conf.php and set the realmd_id.
- Dmitry Koterov (the original author)
- Helias (current maintainer)
These images and info were extracted from
Are you looking for more web tools? You can check the AzerothCore catalog where you can find modules and tools compatible with multiple emulators like the PHP tools World of Warcraft Playermap, PvPstats, and more.