The Tol’Viron and Tiger’s Peak maps were introduced with Mists of Pandaria and now they are available also in Wrath of the Lich King (3.3.5a) as plug-n-play modules for AzerothCore.
Tol’Viron Arena is located in Uldum, it is the sixth arena map. Similarly to Nagrand Arena, it is a heavily modified version of an existing map, the Ruins of Ammon.
The arena map’s design is based on the simplistic Nagrand Arena. The only difference between the two arenas is the art style and the direction of the pillars.
Tiger’s Peak is an arena map located in the Shado-Pan Monastery atop Kun-Lai Summit, it is the seventh arena map.
Preview & Screenshot
Tiger’s Peak
How to get Tol’Viron and Tiger’s Peak in WOTLK
These images and info were extracted from &
In order to get the module and play Tol’Viron and Tiger’s Peak in WOTLK, a contribution should be made to the main project. It can be development, testing, support or wiki improvements. Read the instructions posted in the link above.
These are not the first battlegrounds modules presented in the AzerothCore catalog, as you can see:
- Slavery Valley (custom battleground)
- Twin Peaks (Cataclysm CTF battleground)
- Battle for Gilneas (Cataclysm assault base battleground)
Will they add more? Maybe another new custom one or another retro-ported? Stay tuned in MangosRumors to know 😉!